Friday, May 27, 2005

See, I do know a pro!

A friend of mine since long before he went pro, Kevin's been playing for a living for many years now, even though, like a lot of pro players, we haven't seen him on TV (yet?). He's been giving me advice, support and encouragement since before I started playing, hopefully some of it stuck. I have to hope I'm picking up a little sumpin-sumpin on my own, too...

Speaking of TV, the MSOP has none (coverage), which might make it seem like an odd choice for my first real excursion into the poker world. Why not a WPT or WSOP circuit event? Even though I'm flying to another city for a month to play in a tournament, I'm really still just testing the waters. I know all the biggest names will be at the WSOP, and with no cameras and a smaller field, there should be less stress; I'm hoping I can just concentrate on the poker I know I can play (make good decisions, make good decisions, make good decisions) and see where that takes me.

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