Monday, May 23, 2005

Will it happen?

My friend and poker mentor, Kevin, has returned from Thailand, so I was hoping to finalize my travel plans. It turns out Kevin hasn't told/asked his girlfriend June about my staying with them (for a MONTH, "Oh, June, by the way, you remember my friend Tom...?") and needs to get clearance. I understand this, but anything less than 2 weeks advance purchase costs extra.

Which raises a question, I can save a couple hundred dollars by pushing my flight back, but I would miss the first three events I planned to play in. In a way, that's a "savings" too, since that's about $525 in tournament entry fees I wouldn't be spending, so should I spend more on a ticket to get there earlier to be able to enter those events? Or save some money on the plane ticket and enter the later more expensive events only (since you were planning on entering them anyway)? I also have to keep in mind that this is LA we're talking about, there are multiple casinos and other tournaments at about the same stakes going on; there's no shortage of poker, the only thing I'd be missing would be some portion of a semi "name" event.

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