Saturday, June 04, 2005

Now that's more like it...

Tried entering some $40 satellite tournaments (10 handed, winner receives $330), but busted out of three of those w/ nothing to show for it. Playing one more would have totaled almost as much as tonight's tournment entry fee, it didn't seem like that route was working.

Went back to the room and spent the afternoon reading (Dan Harrington's _Harrington On Hold'Em_), hoping to pick up some useful strategy tips. I had heard good things about this book, and I am very impressed so far.

Headed back to the Bike, and met up w/ Kev, but after the results to date, I wasn't sure I should play at all, especially since I don't have much experience w/ Pot Limit Hold'Em. But the field was smaller than the night before, and Kevin reminded me why I came out (to play some poker, dagnabbit). So I entered, and wound up at the same table as Kevin, with him to my immediate right. Grreaat. I was a little worried that he'd be the one taking me out, but I think his presence made me play better poker, I didn't want to embarass myself in front of him. I got some good cards, but I played well too, only making a couple of mistakes and wound up taking down 5th place, which paid $1040. Wh00t! Even better, Kevin won the whole thing, which paid $9240. Since we had the same 10% arrangement, that added another $820 to what I took home. Wh00t Wh00t! I'm out of the hole completely, even paying for travel expenses (so far). If I can do that even once more, I should be in pretty good shape.

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