Sunday, June 12, 2005

Second verse NOT same as the first

Since I made the final table in the first PLHE event, I had high hopes for the second one. Didn't work out that way, though. The lower buy-in brought with it a smaller starting stack and the need to catch good cards and have them hold up (or at least not get involved in hands without premium cards).

So, I wound up making an earlier exit than I planned, but Kevin at least hung on for a 3rd place finish. We had another 10% exchange deal, so that brought me a few bucks, even after subtracting my loss to our last-longer bet.

Kevin had given me a (mild) hard time about declining his earlier offer of a last longer bet, and I guess it was a little unsportsman-like, I should have at least asked what stakes/odds he had in mind, but I just passed, thinking Kevin would certainly last longer thean me in almost any event, making it a sucker bet. This time we talked about it after I was already short-stacked, so he offered to pay me $50 if I lasted longer, and I'd only have to pay him $30 if I went out first (I think those were the number, but it was a similar ratio whatever the numbers).

The good news for the day is that I had a small win at the cash games prior to the tournament, which put my head in a better place about that aspect of my game. With that in mind, I went back to the cash tables after the tournament and settled in to try and make some money. I wasn't sure that was such a good idea at first, I had to rebuy a couple of times, but 11.5 hours later, I cashed out about $600 up, which gets me more than even for my ring game sessions.

I actually made most of my profit that session on a hand that I played horribly. I overplayed AJ against AK & QQ, hitting an A on the flop and a miracle J on the river. I knew gow lucky I was, and since I had been playing for about 16 hours straight, I left after a few more hands. I can't count on getting lucky all the time, but I'll sure take it when it comes.

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