Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Guess I had that coming (or just call me "chum").

I don't really like rebuy tournaments, but I decided to enter this one anyway. I should have gone with my gut, not only did I not play well, but I was seated with a table full of sharks. At least three of them I had already played with in earlier tournaments and had pegged them as good players, and there were a couple more that the sharks knew and avoided. But they had my number for sure, I only won two hands, both of those with pre-flop raises. If I saw a flop, I lost. By the time the final add-on came around, I had zero chips, so even a double rebuy would leave me short-stacked, so I decided to just cut my losses and leave. I just headed back to the room and read some more Harrington. Maybe some of it will eventually stick...

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