Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Burst of energy

I finally posted to RGP, and there were replies(!) so there's a remote chance someone might google me for more information. And then they'd find my dusty old blog, with no updates in months. Which is a shame, actually, since all of my biggest poker $ucce$$e$ have come since my last update.

What would those be? I had a much better celebrity encounter at the Bike before that trip wrapped up, wasn't just nearby this time, but at the same table and profitable. I've also had several more high money (1,2,3) finishes in good sized fields with my biggest payouts to date.

The Night of the Return of the Land of the Celebrity Encounters started off very differently than all my other sessions at the Bike. I sat down at the $100 buyin $2/$3 NLHE as per usual by now, but I was seated next to a familiar looking guy* with the largest stack of $1 and $5 chips I'd seen yet at this level. "Wonderful," I'm thinking, and then I see two chips of a different color tucked away at the bottom of one of many towering columns. I asked him what those were and he showed me his $1000 chips, giving him close to four grand at a table with a $100 max buyin. I wonder how this seat became available...

Mostly I just stayed out of his way. He occassionally showed me some of the hands he was playing (any two if he felt like it, since if he hit big and anyone else overplayed their hand or tried to bluff him, he could just completely absorb them), and I don't know if he was showing off or giving me a friendly warning.

Inn knee weigh, the table with the monster stack eventually breaks (half the table flees in terror, and then Godzilla racks up and moves to a different game entirely) so I move to an open seat at a/the remaining 2/3 table. Much better situation, this time the guy to my immediate right is also the biggest stack by a wide margin, but he only had about $1300 in front of him, compared to everyone else's $100-500 stacks. For a while I was so focused on the fact that I had run into yet another big stack to my left, that I didn't notice the player to my right. But I soon recognized him as a player I had seen/heard being belligerent about a perceived bad beat the week prior. I noticed him because of the commotion, but I remembered him because he looked familiar, and I had wondered at that time if he was some sort of minor celebrity.

Someone else asked him "if he was that guy that was on VH1" and it came out he had been (on) MTV, not VH1, on "Punk'd". I knew I hadn't seen that show, but I had seen him somewhere, and it was bugging the hell out of me to remember where. Finally, it dawned on me that I recognized him from "Celebrity Poker" and remembered thinking then that they were really stretching their definition of celebrity, because I had no idea who this guy was or how he rated that classification.

I also remember him coming off as pretty obnoxious, and wondered how heavily they had to edit not just his comments, but those of the rather irritated looking other players. Playing with him confirmed all those suspicions, and then some.

Burst of energy has dwindled, resting up to post some more soon...

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